Silicon Valley Therapy provides 4 core services: Individual, couples, and family psychotherapy and coaching, Group psychotherapy and coaching to leverage the social component of growth and healing, Talks to inspire and educate the community, Workshops to jump start your health and wellness.
Coaching at Silicon Valley Therapy is unique in that it is done within a team-based model. This means you will have the opportunity, within licensing limits, to work with a coach as well as a therapist. Not everyone needs a therapist in addition to a coach but it does provide a higher level of care when that is needed. Each growth or treatment plan is customized for each individual, couple, or family.
Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) is a high functioning form of autism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ASD is comprised of a group of neurodevelopmental disorders that are characterized by two categories of symptoms: repetitive behavior patterns and social impairment.
Attention deficit disorders such as ADHD and ADD are symptoms of executive functioning deficits. Executive functioning refers to a set of mental skills related to focusing on a task, exercising self-control, planning ahead, and being self-aware. These skills are organized within two categories of executive functioning: behavioral regulation and cognitive abilities.
Everyone hurts and everyone is wounded. Philo the Greek once wrote, “be nice for everyone is fighting a great battle.” Trauma is an all too common form of wounding. Trauma occurs when a person is overwhelmed by a single event or many events over time. Their capacity to cope has been exceeded as they are in a state of extreme stress. Trauma impacts our mental health, relationships, and physical health. It has been linked to diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.
The dating world has changed dramatically in our digital age. It’s never been easier to connect with new people. The traditional process for online dating is to scroll through pictures until you find a person you are attracted to and make contact via a click, swipe, or message. While this is efficient it does create some significant problems.
Job and career burnout comes on gradually as a reaction to prolonged or chronic job stress that results in exhaustion, cynicism, and a feeling of less professional competency.
Job and career burnout comes on gradually as a reaction to prolonged or chronic job stress that results in exhaustion, cynicism, and a feeling of less professional competency.
Are you co-parenting your partner’s children? Does it create conflicts when it comes to authority and leadership in the family? How does your relationship with the children differ from your partner’s? Blended families can be challenging in a number of ways but parenting children is one of the most difficult.
What are the favorite topics of parents and teens to discuss? Of course it’s sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll! Actually these are some of the most challenging topics parents and teens must consider.